Mon 06 Jan
⭐ SPECIAL⭐ 60-80-160 ✨🍒 juicy dripping sweet peach🍒 Curvy🔥 BLONDE 💦 💦 💕 💕🍒💦.Ready now!!...
🌺 Mutual Fun 🌺 Naughty, Mature, Submissive Redhead - 47
(City of Sacramento, Sacramento)
✨🌙Lovely Little Luna💦 Tight&Tiny;🔥 Submissive Doll🍭 - 18
(City of Sacramento, Downtown Incall, Sacramento)
beautiful ❤busty❤ playmate💋nothing but class with the right amount of ASS - 25
(City of Sacramento, Sacramento, Sacramento and surrounding)
Sweet, submissive, white girl. Ready to serve - 20
(Sacramento, Sacramento incalls only)
╠╣🔘T Thick & JUICY with a NICE BIG BOOTY! - ╠╣🔘T Thick & JUICY with a NICE BIG BOOTY! - 47
(Rancho Cordova, Sacramento, SACRAMENTO INCALL RANCHO)
Curvy, Blonde, MILF - 34
(Sacramento, Rancho Cordova, Sunrise&50)
$100/HH _ - SUBMISSIVE ~ Thick BBW ~ Ample Boobies With A Big Booty _ $150/HR - 30
(Sacramento, SAC)
Sun 05 Jan
Exotic Blonde blue eyed 36DD BAYWATCH Barbie w island tan skin;Often Imitated, Never Duplicated - 27
(Sacramento, North Natomas)
Natural Redhead MILF ~ Incall/ Outcall - 34
(Sacramento, Sacramento, Rancho Cordova, Folsom)
BBW Submissive NEEDS used HARD ~ ~ BBW who LOVES being USED by MANY - 47
🎄BBW🎄 ChRiStMaS 🎄 SpEcIaLs 🎄 N 🎄 ARDEN 🎄 - 47
(ARDEN/80, Rancho Cordova, Sacramento)
Submissive outcalls with allison - 23
(Sacramento, sac, roseville, rocklin, auburn, colfax)
%Sexy * Submissive * Sicilian% - 25
(Sacramento, Sunrise)
😍 Fanast¥ 💦 Dr€am ~n~ WarM 🔥 Places👅💦 - 21
(City of Sacramento, Rancho Cordova, Sacramento)
Allow me to touch AND tease - 25
(Sacramento, C I T R U S. H E I G H T S)
Stunning, Sophisticated, Sexy and Super Na*ghty ! Visiting Cal EXpo / Arden Area - 33
(Sacramento, Cal Expo/Arden area)
submissive black chick for white d*cks...... - 39
(arden area, Sacramento)
💜🌟 New in town 💯 real photos 💦✨ Exotic & Seductive ' Angel.😘 Special 70$ qk IN Call 🌸😘 - 21
(Arden Area , El camino , Downtown sac, City of Sacramento, Sacramento)
~ In / Out ~ Available Now!!! Rancho Cordova - 35
(Rancho Cordova, Sacramento, Sacramento)
💞Can i sit on your face I'm your freak 💕🍫very submissive💋💋i love being your nasty girl - 25 - 2 - 26
(City of Sacramento, Sacramento, sacramento outcalls only)
Sat 04 Jan
{{💥AttENtioN💥}} Hottest Big Booty BBW on BP DOWNTOWN {{💥ClIcK NoW💥}} - 48
(City of Sacramento, Davis, DOWNTOWN, Sacramento)
{{💥AttENtioN💥}} Hottest Big Booty BBW n SaC is n THE NORTH AREA {{💥ClIcK NoW💥}} - 48
(AUBURN/FULTON, Sacramento, Woodland)
Redheads Do It Better!!! Now in West Sac - 35
(Sacramento, W. Sac, Sacramento, downtown.)
Perfect adult companion, professionalism cleanliness & service come priority. first timer specials - 25
(City of Sacramento, Sacramento, Sacramento, downtown, rancho, Rosemont)
Good Golly Miss Molly!!! - 35
(Sacramento, Downtown Sacramento)
Gorgeous girl next door - petite and submissive well reviewed - 23
(Sacramento, Sacramento & Surrounding)
Full Body, Toe Curling, All Over Body Quivers ..... SPECIALS!!! - 35
(Sacramento, Sacramento, Arden)
exhibitionist, submissive, and mouth watering.. 100/hhr..160/hr - 38
(Sacramento, roseville)
🎀💖100% Real naughty Beautiful & busty🎀💖 - 21
(Sacramento, Sacramento Natomas Dixon woodland)
☆_S💨M💨O💨K💨I💨N💨G ╠╣ot! ♥╠╣ot! ♥Upscαℓε💎 �🌹Juicy Treat - 23
(Sacramento, South Sacramento, Surrounding areas)
✨L(o)(o)K Inside (60.Q) E❌❌❌oTic YoUNg Asian Doll 💋💃_BUSTY 💞NAUGHTY 🍭JuiCy💦 Mighty Mouth ! - 19
(Sacramento, Marysville,Roseville,Chico)
. . .Miss kc. . . - 22
(north sacramento)
((ATTENTION)) Your Favorite BBW is Visiting SAC Right NOW ((ATTENTION)) - 47
(City of Sacramento, Davis, Sacramento, SOUTH NATOMAS AREA, Woodland, Yuba City)
{💥BBW💥} {💥AlErT💥} ╠╣🔘T ThIcK & JuIcY BBW is BACK n SoUtH NaToMaS {💥RiGhT💥} {💥NoW💥} - 47
(City of Sacramento, I-5/WEST EL CAMINO, Sacramento)
{{Attention}} {{DoWnToWn}} Your Favorite BBW is BACK {{NOW}} {{Attention}} - 48
(City of Sacramento, DOWNTOWN, Sacramento)
{{{ATTENTION}}} Sexy Mature submissive BBW Gifted In Many Ways {{{ATTENTION}}} - - 48
(City of Sacramento, HARBOR/I 80, Sacramento)
{💥Attention💥} TURN your BBW FANTASY into a REALITY {💥ClicK💥}{💥HerE💥} - 48
(Davis, HARBOR/I 80, Sacramento)
╠╣🔘T Thick & JUICY with a NICE BIG BOOTY! - ╠╣🔘T Thick & JUICY with a NICE BIG BOOTY! - 47
(Rancho Cordova, Sacramento, SACRAMENTO INCALL RANCHO)
Submissive & Sweet, Curvy Redhead ~ Incall/Outcall - 34
(Sacramento, Rancho Cordova, Folsom, Sacramento)
OUTCALLS💞Can i sit on your face I'm your freak 💕🍫very submissive💋💋fetish friendly - 26
(City of Sacramento, Sacramento, sacramento outcalls only)
KiNk*~* BooKiNg ALL SlaVeS and DeeP DarK Secrets! *~*KiNk - 24
(Sacramento, sacramento & surrounding areas, bay area)
Hot🔥🔥 Young 🍭🍭 Ready 👍👍 Tight & Juicy 💦💦 21 - 18
(City of Sacramento, Sacramento, Yuba City Ca)
| BUSTY LOVERS | true pleasure a CALL away | - 21
(Sacramento, Rancho Cordova)
brunette💙 bombshell 💘 goddess 🏩 sexy submissive🏩 obedient mistress💙 bring 💋 get everythingUWISH - 24
(Sacramento, Natomas, Sac, downtown Sac & surrounding)
🎀100% Real naughty Beautiful & busty Brazilian💖👅💦 Submissive Satisfaction 🎀💖 - 23
(North Sac INCALL, Citrus Heights Watt av, Sacramento)
Fri 03 Jan
💋💎❤️Flawless Younng Belizean Goddess specials you don't want to Miss💎💋 - 20
(Sacramento, Sacramento, Elk Grove, Modesto)
Natural Redhead MILF - 35
(Sacramento, Sacramento, Downtown)
***~LOOK~***¥o_,0'¥ Your ¡AppreciationGift°! has ARRIVED* *CurvyPetite TenderRoni* *Special* - 24
(Sacramento, DowntownSacramento/IncallsOnly)
⭐ SPECIAL⭐ 60-80-150 ✨🍒 juicy & sweet.🍒 Curvy🔥 BLONDE 💦 dripping💦 love💕 JUICES💕🍒💦.Ready...
Submissive incalls with allison - 23
(Sacramento, sac, roseville, rocklin, auburn, colfax)
Outcall Availability - 36
(Rancho Cordova, Sacramento)
KINKY 🔥🔥🔥 TIGHT 😈😈╠╣🔘T---- BBW---- S💨M💨O💨K💨I💨N💨G💨 ╠╣🔘T (((CLICK Now)) ...
(Citrus Heights and surrounding areas, City of Sacramento, Sacramento)
Incall / Outcall Available NOW ~ 100 Rose Special - 35
(Rancho Cordova, Sacramento, Sacramento)
Are you a Gorgeous Submissive ? Petite Model Type ?? Luxury - Private - Safe $$$ - 36
(Sacramento, SF Bay Area)
Thu 02 Jan
Redheads Do IT Better!!! - 35
(Rancho Cordova, Rosemont, Sacrsmento, Sacramento)
Faceless,restless,and priceless..... - 38
(Sacramento, t.valley/roseville area)