Brampton Areas
- Downtown Brampton
- Bramalea
- Springdale
- Fletcher's Meadow
- Mount Pleasant
- Fletcher's Creek South
- Fletcher's Creek Village
- Heart Lake
- Heart Lake West
- Heart Lake East
- Castlemore
- Gore Meadows
- Snelgrove
- Sandringham-Wellington
- Credit Valley
- Westgate
- Queen Street Corridor
- Northwood Park
- Southgate
- Madoc
- Brampton North
- Brampton South
- Brampton East
- Brampton West
- Vales of Castlemore
- Vales of Castlemore North
- Huttonville
- The Gore
- Peel Village
- Toronto Gore Rural Estate
- Lorne Park Estates
- Cheltenham
- Ebenezer
- Ridgehill
- Parkway Belt
- Mayfield West
- Industrial
- Claireville
- Brampton Woods
- Bramwest
- High Point
- Armbro Heights
- Churchville
- Valleywood
- Chinguacousy
- Professor's Lake
- Downtown Core
- Meadowland
- Old Town Brampton
- Streetsville Glen